I genuinely believe this.
And humor, especially satire, is a powerful weapon.
Freedom of speech is taken for granted here in the United States.
It is not negotiable.
I say this not only as a writer, an editor and a journalist, but as a human being.
The terrorist activities the past few days in France, which have had me glued to television non-stop, motivated me to reactivate this blog.
Thank you loyal readers who have been questioning the blog's whereabouts -- at the fitness center, the coffee shop, the grocery store, etc. -- since I went on summer hiatus in May to start writing a book that has not progressed very far.
Hey, changing the identities of people/friends to protect their innocence can be exhausting.
Thank you for missing the levity of life in the laundry room.
Have I mentioned comedic genius Tina Fey does some of her best writing work in her laundry room?
That's if you believe her American Express Card commercial.
It took me two days but I finally remembered the password for this blog account and decided to write again.
Musings From The Laundry Room returns this week to reclaim its top spot on the Google search bar and to try and restore humor to a world that needs it.